CliMathNet Virtual Outreach Conference 2016

Reaching out from Maths and Environmental Science.

2 - 4pm, 21st June 2016, University of Exeter


The purpose of this virtual meeting will be to discuss how best to communicate climate, environmental and mathematical science to the public and other non-academic audiences. Through the use of examples of best practice, we aim to inspire and provide guidance on the delivery of effective outreach activities to:

a) Schools,

b) General public,

c) Policymakers,

d) Commercial / Industrial partners.

In addition, we will aim to provide guidance, support and information regarding Outreach funding.

Meeting recording

You can play a webex recording of the meeting via this link - note that you may need to download some software from webex to do this.

Virtual Conference Schedule

13.45 WebEx Meeting goes live online                                                     
14.00 Introduction

Chris Budd, University of Bath

Peter Challenor, University of Exeter



"Show & Tell" Session



The dos and don'ts of communicating science to the general public

Claire Burke, Met Office

14.32 Working with the Media Tamsin Edwards, Open University
14.44 Involvement with the Global Calculator climate outreach project Erica Thompson, Centre for the Analysis of Time Series
14.56 Designing interactive electronic science books for a general audience in ways that can avoid scaring readers with a fear of mathematics Valborg Byfield, National Oceanography Centre
15.08 Reaching out from the Environment and Sustainability Institute Stuart Townley, University of Exeter
15.32 Panel Discussion: Identifying the way forward  
16.00 End meeting  



This Virtual Conference will be delivered live using the web videoconferencing service WebEx. Please note that you will need a reasonable broadband service and microphone/speakers to receive and participate in the Conference. In addition, a webcam is required if you are delivering the seminar.

Joining Instructions

In order to receive as an attending delegate please use the link provided below. If you have not used WebEx before, please ensure that you sign into the event at 13.45 at the earliest, ready for a 14.00 start. This will allow for the time needed to download the required software to support the programme.

Event address for attendees:

Date and time:

Tuesday, 21 June 2016 13:45
GMT Summer Time (London, GMT+01:00)


2 hours 15 minutes


CliMathNet Virtual Outreach Conference