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- 2017 Workshop: Next Generation HPC architectures for studying climate variability
- 2017 Pacing and synchronisation of palaeoclimate variability, Dartington
- 2017 Workshop: The influence of weather and climate variability on water resources management
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- 2016 Conference, Exeter
- 2016 Virtual Outreach Conference
- 2015 Statistics for Climate Science, London
- 2015 Conference, Bath
- 2015 Dartington, Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Climate: linking models to data, Jan 2015
- 2015 Decision Analysis Meeting. April 2015.
2014 Conference, Leeds
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CliMathNet Conference 2014
The second CliMathNet conference was held from Monday 14th July until Friday 18th July at the University of Leeds.
Scientific programme
The conference addressed key aims of CliMathNet, including understanding the climate system (dynamics, radiation, clouds, feedbacks, nonlinear processes), quantifying uncertainty in climate models, forecasting extreme events, and novel mathematical and statistical techniques with applications in climate sciences (e.g., numerical methods).
Plenary speakers
- Brian Hoskins (Imperial College and Reading)
- Doug Maraun (GEOMAR, Kiel)
- Tim Palmer (Oxford)
- Ted Shepherd (Reading)
- Jonathan Tawn (Lancaster)
- Claudia Tebaldi (Climate Central and NCAR)
- John Thuburn (Exeter)
- Laure Zanna (Oxford)
Plenary speaker abstracts are available here.
The schedule is available here.
More information
At the University of Leeds, the conference was organised by researchers from the School of Mathematics and from the Institute for Climate and Atmospheric Science within the School of Earth and Environment.