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For researchers
We aim to assist researchers that are members of, or associated to, the network in a number of ways. These include academic meetings, small travel grants for staff exchanges, funds for "hot topic" workshops and for links with our partner networks. We provide a list of useful links and resources including jobs and PhD studentship opportunities in this area. If you have suggestions for useful ways to improve the usefulness of these resources, please let us know.
CliMathNet Seminar Series
This is an occasional seminar series where members of CliMathNet can listen to seminars of interest to applications of mathematical sciences to climate and weather modelling. These seminars are held using WebEx virtual meeting software and are “no travel” seminars where we ask a speaker to give a 45-50 minute talk about research of interest to other members of CliMathNet. If you would like to offer to give a seminar, or propose someone to do so please contact
Future seminars:
- Thursday 16th June 2016, 4pm (GMT), Climate bifurcations large and small, Ray Pierrehumbert (University of Oxford)
Recent seminars were:
- Tuesday 23rd February 2016 3pm, In Search of the Holy Grail: an Emergent Constraint on Climate Sensitivity, Peter Cox (University of Exeter)
- Thursday 30th April 2015 3.30pm, The use of adaptive mesh methods in meteorology, Chris Budd (University of Bath)
- Wednesday 24th September 2014 4pm, Transforming weather into changing climate: Mapping the dynamics of the full distribution of temperature and precipitation, Sandra Chapman (University of Warwick)
- Thursday 3rd July 2014 3pm, Thermodynamic limits of the Earth system, Axel Kleidon (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry) (03_07_14 II)
- Thursday 3rd July 2014 3pm, Thermodynamic variational principles: a unified framework, Roderick Dewar (Australian National University) (03_07_14 I)
- Thursday June 5th 2014, Statistical emulation as a model-coupling tool for integrated assessments of climate change, Neil Edwards (Open University) (05_06_14)
- Tuesday April 29th 2014, Hamilton’s Principle for the GFD Model Hierarchy, Darryl Holm (Imperial College London) (29_04_14)
- Tuesday March 25th 2014, Accounting for model error due to unresolved scales within ensemble Kalman filtering, Lewis Mitchell (University of Vermont) (25_03_14)
- Thursday November 14th 2013, Spatial methods that combine ideas from wavelets and lattices, Doug Nychka (National Center for Atmospheric Research, Colorado) (14_11_13_I/14_11_13_II)
- Friday October 25th 2013, Dew Droplets and Cloud Droplets: Droplet Growth, Size Distributions, and Corrections to Scaling, Jeurgen Vollmer (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization, Göttingen)
- Tuesday October 22nd 2013, A Simple Conceptual Framework for Stratosphere–Troposphere Coupling, Mark Baldwin (University of Exeter) (22_10_13)
- Tuesday July 16th 2013, Multiscale Methods for the Multiscale Environment of Climate Simulation, Rob Scheichl (University of Bath) (16_7_13)
- Friday July 12th 2013, Inclusion of Linearized Moist Physics in NASA's Goddard Earth Observing System Data Assimilation Tools, Dan Holdaway (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Tuesday May 28th 2013, Data assimilation and modelling the carbon cycle, Philip Aston and Sylvain Delahaies (University of Surrey) (28_5_13_I/28_5_13_II)
- Tuesday April 30th2013, Sensing the natural world, Marian Scott (University of Glasgow) (30_4_13)
- Tuesday March 12th 2013, Data assimilation for very high dimensional models, Peter Jan van Leeuwen (University of Reading)
These seminars are delivered live using the web videoconferencing service WebEx. In order to receive, you will get a link from the CliMathNet newsletter that downloads an application to your computer. You will need a reasonable broadband service and microphone/speakers to receive the seminar. In addition, a webcam is needed if you are delivering the seminar.
Members are encouraged to offer seminars from their nodes, especially on topics that will be of wide interest and/or where you would like to have feedback from the wider network.
Please contact us if you have any suggestions!