CliMathNet Conference 2017 schedule

Tuesday 29th August Wednesday 30th August Thursday 31st August Friday 1st September
  8:45 Arrival tea/coffee 8:45 Arrival tea/coffee 8:45 Arrival tea/coffee
  9:30 Invited talk
Christian Kuehn
9:30 To be confirmed 9:30 Invited talk
Jeroen Wouters
10:00 Registration 10:15 Invited talk
Mickael Chekroun
10:15 Invited talk
Wilco Hazeleger
10:15 Invited talk
Davide Faranda
10:30 Arrival tea/coffee 11:00 Tea, coffee, posters 11:00 Tea, coffee, posters 11:00 Tea, coffee, posters
11:45 Welcome/Introduction 11:30 Invited talk
Ulrike Feudel
11:30 Invited talk
Freddy Bouchet
11:30 Invited talk
Stephane Vannitsem
12:00 Invited talk
Peter Read
12:15 Invited talk
Andrey Gritsun
12:15 Invited talk
Gualtiero Badin
12:15 Invited talk
Phillipe Naveau
12:45 Lunch 13:00 Lunch 13:00 Lunch 13:00 Lunch
Early career researcher session
L Oljaca
14:00 E Cooper
14:20 V Estella-Perez
14:40 M Gorelli

Contributed session
Parallel sessions in room 1/2
14:00 P Watson/A von der Heydt
14:20 K Schlinagl/V Lucarini
H Rust/L de Cruz
M Williamson/A Tantet

Contributed session
Parallel sessions in room 1/2
14:00 Z Zlatev/V Lembo
14:20 P Williams/J Johnson
14:40 P Dueben/A Turasie
15:00 T Bodai/

14:00 End of Conference
15:00 Tea/coffee 15:20 Tea/coffee 15:20 Tea/coffee  

ECR session contd.
15:30 A Gabrielski
15:50 J Kjellsson    
16:10 M Cucchi                     16:30 D Green                        16:50 M Galfi                          17:10 Poster introductions


Contributed session contd.
Parallel sessions in room 1/2
 F Kwasniok/S Schubert
16:20 J Bruun/D Holm
16:40 J Broecker/D McKay        17:00 T Kuna/W Pan

16:00 Discussion session  
17:30 Poster session 17:20 End of day 17:00 End of day  
19:00 Conference Dinner      


The CliMathNet Conference Programme is available here: CliMathNet Conference Programme 2017.