CliMathNet Conference 2017

The Fifth Annual CliMathNet Conference was held at the Henley Business School, Whiteknights Campus at the University of Reading, from 29th August to 1st September 2017.

Invited speakers were:



The conference schedule is available here.


Henley Business School image resized 218xany height

Scientific themes

The conference addressed emerging mathematical, computational and statistical techniques for understanding weather and climate. Areas of interest include:

- Stochastic and deterministic modelling                                                 

- Data/model fusion and assimilations

- Prediction and Predictability

- Climate variability and climate change

- Understanding future from past climatic conditions

- Extreme events and critical transitions

- Model reduction techniques and parameterisation                         

- Downscaling and post-processing

- Geophysical turbulence

- Statistical Mechanics of Climate

- Numerical Models

- High performance Computing

The conference featured a special session dedicated to showcasing relevant research outputs of some UK-based graduate schools. This event was a collaboration of CliMathNet, of the Centre for the Mathematics of Planet Earth of the University of Reading, and of the Mathematics of Planet Earth Centre for Doctoral Training.

Scientific Committee

Valerio Lucarini (University of Reading, chair), Peter Ashwin (University of Exeter), Tamas Bodai (University of Reading), Jochen Broecher (University of Reading), Hayley Fowler (University of Newcastle), Melina Freitag (University of Bath), Darryl Holm (Imperial College, London), Tobias Kuna (University of Reading), Claudia Neves (University of Reading), Jennifer Scott (University of Reading), Ted Shepherd (University of Reading), Paul Williams (University of Reading).